Essential Vitamins to Keep You Energized and Healthy

The amount of vitamins consumed by our body is minimal, just enough to keep it healthy. Most people can have a healthy diet to meet their daily vitamin needs. Yet not everyone can eat a healthy diet every day, and over time, this may lead to deficiencies of these vitamins.

The good news is that vitamin supplements are easily available to provide the needed nutrients and thus help you through.

Here, we discuss key vitamins and supplements which can enhance your health and energy levels.

Vitamins Required by the Body for Good Health

Thirteen essential vitamins are needed for our normal development and growth. These vitamins perform several important bodily functions. When we do not intake a vitamin for a very long period, its shortage in our body occurs and it is called vitamin deficiency.

1. Vitamin A

  • Vitamin A has antioxidant properties.
  • This vitamin can be provided through the diet by cheese and egg yolk and yellow, red, or green vegetables.
  • Vitamin A also promotes excellent vision, a strong immune system, and healthy skin.

2. Vitamin D

  • Vitamin D helps develop and maintain healthy bones.
  • It is needed for immunity and effective calcium absorption.
  • Your body makes this vitamin if you expose your skin to 10 to 15 minutes of sunlight three times a week.

3. Vitamin E and K

  • Both vitamins possess antioxidant properties and are generally derived from plants.
  • They facilitate the production of RBCs.
  • Vitamin E has an anti-inflammatory property that protects us from heart and neuro-related diseases.
  • Deficiency of Vitamin E is less common, and its supplements are also available. Vitamin K is necessary for coagulation of blood.

4. Vitamin C

  • Vitamin C is a vital antioxidant that facilitates the absorption of iron.
  • Vitamin C supplementation can assist individuals with dietary deficiencies and diseases affecting nutritional absorption.

5. Vitamin B

Vitamin B1

  • Helps the body get energy from carbohydrates.
  • Heart health and nerve function in good shape

Vitamin B2

  • Important for growth and RBC production.

Vitamin B3

  • Lowers triglyceride levels
  • Promotes healthy skin and nerve health

Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B7

  • Essential for the synthesis of cholesterol and hormones
  • Changing protein and carbohydrates to energy

Vitamin B6

  • RBC production
  • Promotes brain health

Vitamin B9 and B12

  • The red blood cell formation depends on B9 and B12.
  • B9 is utilized for producing DNA.
  • B12 is important to the central and peripheral nerve systems and a healthy metabolism.

You can take a supplement containing a B-complex to help avoid deficiencies in any B vitamin.

Multivitamin Supplements

We can also use multivitamin supplements instead of taking different pills for each vitamin.

  • These dietary supplements offer vitamins not obtained from food.
  • Supplements such as multivitamins are helpful for individuals who have special needs like those of pregnant or ailing people.

Vitamins for Wellness

Vitamins are the basis for overall health and immunity, energy production, and supporting brain function, bone health, and skin vitality. While natural food will always be your first source of nutrition, vitamin supplements are useful when there is a deficiency.

However, discuss this with a medical professional since taking many vitamins in large doses might harm you. You might have mild or no side effects while taking these supplements. With the right dose of vitamins, you can stay energized and focused and take on the world.